我不懂起死回生是不是有真有其事,但却听过的确可以有救急得作用,跟地宫牛黄丸有救急的作用一样。这两个中药,都是价值不菲的呀。我本人觉得豪猪枣是贵的离谱,牛黄丸在几百马币下你还可以拿到整粒/罐。我买粉枣时, 0.4g 听清楚,是0.4 g 就高达马币整千块了。T.T (幸好,有认识的人,扣的来还是要接近RM600.......我当下很想在余仁生的店里洒狗血。。。)
ok ok, 言归正传,我可是在分享着一个严肃的课题,不能让人觉得我是在不认真。为了使大家认识豪猪枣的价值,我们也必须同时对豪猪这种稀珍动物有所认识。对吧?
豪猪即是一种全身长满尖刺,居息在森林里的一种哺乳动物。懂刺猬吗?他们是abang adik nia! (箭猪枣的名字也是refer 它的外形。)它有很强的生命力,往往生病后都能很快痊愈,这和它的进食习惯有关。
So, 你们懂为何粉枣会卖酱贵啦?你们看到的这些一粒粒貌状石头的粉枣,如果要整粒要的话,会是RM几百千或几百万,ok? Don't play play. 不信?去余仁生跑一趟问问看就懂是龙或凤咯。
癌症 :能助镇痛; 化解化疗,电疗后的一些副作用;化痰排毒,助使免疫细胞快速重生,控制,减轻病情。
肝病 :能快速清热解病毒,化脓消炎,提升免疫功能复原神速。
各种炎症 :具有非常高效率的解毒,排脓,消炎,活血,生肌,止痛功效。
其他 :对皮肤病,恶疮,心血管硬化,祛风,心气痛,胃痛等各种病痛都有一定的疗效。
(大佬,这些所谓“其他 ”的什么胃痛,皮肤病就不用拿豪猪枣来医啦,除非你钱多,那就请自便吧。。 )
1。4年前手术醒来的第一个意识:痛到泪不停留 (我当时还吊着点滴及止痛药)
这次手术醒来的第一个意识:不大有痛的感觉 (我当时是有吊着点滴及止痛药)
这次手术后第一次下床:是手术后的第3天。 需要人的搀扶。神奇的是。。。我还好!!
这次手术后第一次洗澡: 在医院的第四天,在有护士的帮助下,我洗澡了!! 我是坐着
快乐指数爆灯!!! XD
我不懂你们是否有动过手术? 如有,你会明白以上的芝麻绿豆的每一个情节;病人都是在痛苦中度过每一天。
[Porcupine Date/ Porcupine Bezoar/Porcupine Stone]
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Basically I don't think it can save a person life from cancer but I believed it able to reduce the pain.
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Temporary out of stock
Dear all,
Currently I'm facing out of stock due to high demand of dengue cases. Pls pre-order if you need, it might take few more days to reach you.
Currently I'm facing out of stock due to high demand of dengue cases. Pls pre-order if you need, it might take few more days to reach you.
Hemorrhoids (痔疮) vs Porcupine date powder (Update)
After 3 li applied, my friend informed me the porcupine data powder only able to reduce the pain but not able to cure it completely. The hemorrhoids still come back as normal. :(
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Hemorrhoids (痔疮) vs Porcupine date powder
My friend is trying apply porcupine date powder to cure hemorrhoid, she bought 4 Li, will update the outcome. :)
Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins located in the lower part of the rectum and the anus. They become swollen because of increased pressure within them, usually due to straining at stools and during pregnancy because of the pressure of the enlarged uterus.
Internal hemorrhoids are located in the inside lining of the rectum and cannot be felt. They are usually painless and make their presence known by causing bleeding with a bowel movement. Internal hemorrhoids can prolapsed or protrude through the anus.
External hemorrhoids are located underneath the skin that surrounds the anus. They can be felt when they swell and may cause itching or pain with a bowel movement, as well as bleeding. A thrombosed external hemorrhoid occurs when blood within the vein clots, and can cause significant pain.
Friday, 27 July 2012
Appreciation of help for supply of cheaper price porcupine date powder
I've received a call for the appreciation of my help. A simple "thank you for the help" marked as the day most meaningful & happy day for me. Making some pocket money & at the same time I'm able to help people, this is what I want in my life.
Expensive doesn't guarantee this is real. Cheaper price also doesn't mean this is faked. But, if you supply with the rocket high price, this is only can be benefited for the rich people.
Expensive doesn't guarantee this is real. Cheaper price also doesn't mean this is faked. But, if you supply with the rocket high price, this is only can be benefited for the rich people.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
箭猪枣适合哪些病症 What porcupine date can cure?
Some point I agree like point 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 13 & 14, the rest depend.
病例1,子宫瘤 著名女西医因佇经,经血倒流,造成子宫发炎。因发烧不能开刀,其老父买箭猪枣(0.3克)共给她吃6次。发烧全愈后,才开刀。
钱先生感染脑膜炎过滤性病毒,开始视觉模湖 温烧入院后昏迷,医生宣称已成植物人,后更因呼吸佇止,而插管用机器呼吸。家属以点滴管喂食大量箭猪枣得以起死回生,间中幸得中医师针炙加速痊愈。得天恩宠醒后恢复正常,复健三周后上班工作。堪称奇迹。
二十三岁少女乳癌初期,医生将要开刀前数日,服用箭猪枣后局部炙热疼痛。开刀之前再检验,发现 之前证实的肿瘤缩小,而不需要开刀。
18岁小女患上淋巴癌。白血球降至1.7(正常人3-6).身体受感染发烧,医生要用十倍强的抗生素注射,其母担心,改用箭猪枣,少女不但退烧 而且白血球升至3.7,而且精神奕奕。
For friend standby porcupine date powder for nature way of baby delivery
Cost: RM170
Quantity: 2 Li
Total Cost: RM340
Saving: RM460/ -58% (Market price assumption RM400 X 2Li = RM800 - RM340)
Used in relieving after nature way of baby delivery side effects such as pain and healing of the wound. Mummy has bad experience who was suffering the painful time about 1 week. This time she wishes to reduce the suffering from the pain.
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Friend's wife post surgery after delivery baby through section C
Cost: RM170
Quantity: 4 Li
Total Cost: RM680
Saving: RM920/ -58% (Market price assumption RM400 X 4Li = RM1600 - RM680)
Used in relieving post-surgery side effects such as pain, fever and also helps in healing of the wound.
Monday, 23 July 2012
Porcupine Bezoar cannot cure all the sickness!!!
Use wisely!
Colon Cancer: When Various Alternative Medicines Failed
Dear Mr. Teo,
My name is T and I’m from Johor Bahru, I found about you from searches on the internet regarding Rectum Cancer.
Here’s my story & I would really appreciate if you can enlighten me as to what I should do next. I was even prepared to just drive up all the way to Penang to see you tomorrow (that is if you’re available).
My mum, age 65, was diagnosed with rectal cancer in July 2007. After we knew about the disease, and after doctors only recommendation (surgery), insisted on it, we opted out.
My mum also dread the idea of going under the knife unless all possible methods are exhausted. So, she insisted to try alternative medicine (TCM). We searched everywhere and asked almost everyone we knew about cancer and alternative medicines. And it all started after the diagnose.
My mum’s first encounter with so called alternative medicine was a recommendation by a relative citing known experience by her personal friend who is suffering cancer. So we went, and my mum was advised to consume ‘raw eggs’ on every meal + supplements from the physician (6 months supply). The supplements claim to have medical doctors’ recommendation to prevent further deterioration. My mum followed the advice for about 6 months but was unable to adapt to the ‘only eggs’ meal as it does not fill her hunger.
So after that, my mum did not continue with this ‘physician’. Again after recommendation from friends as well as my mum’s choice of trying all herbs alternative, we found the second physician, who is in Endau. We drove my mum to this place and again was advice to watch her diet strictly, meaning no meats, including fish and only vegetable. So my mum heeded his advice and started the ‘raw’ herbal medication then. It was about some months when my mum could not take probably the ‘raw’ taste of herbs and boiled herbal drinks. It was like one full load of raw green herbs for a month in my car trunk. And the whole neighborhood smells of herbs.
After on strict dietary guidelines, my mum went down on weight seriously and look weak but the physician said we’ll have to adapt to it otherwise there’s no point even taking herbs. Sometime in late 2008 and after all this herbal drinks and soups, my mum started to bleed from her bowels. At first it was minor but it got serious and needed blood transfusion (1 pint) every 4-5 days interval. This lasted almost 7 to 8 months and finally upon doctor’s recommendation, my mum finally agreed to go ahead with the colostomy surgery.
After the surgery, things were much better. No bleeding, no transfusions and stuffs. So we asked her if she wanted to continue with the herbs from Endau, but she said she could not tolerate all those raw herbs day in & day out. So we started again in our quest to look for another alternative physician.
In the recent 6 months, I noticed that things were not good. There were serious infections around my mum’s anus & vagina. From what I’ve read from your websites and the book on cancer, I guess this should be Stage IV and spreading fast. The surface of the skin surrounding the anus & vagina area looks like ‘infections’. And lately my mum does not walk that often citing pain when she walks or sit. Now she does not travel with me to get the medications.
So these are the scenario on my mum and I certainly hope that Mr. Teo could help or advise what should I do. Can I drive to Penang to meet up with you for advice? Or maybe take some of your medications?
Please advise. I now plan to start my trip tonight midnight so I can arrive in Penang in the morning and start searching for your place. By the way, I tried looking all over CACARE web page but did not see any consultation time for Saturday, May I ask do you not open on Saturday? Thank-you for your time, and may you have a pleasant weekend.
Reply: No, please do not drive up to Penang tonight. We are not open on Saturday. I only see patients on Sunday at 7 pm onwards or Fridays at 3 pm onwards.
I suggest you go back to your doctor and see what actually is wrong with your mom now.
1) Is this a metastasis — i.e. cancer that comes from the colon?
2) Generally from colon, it also goes to the liver. So besides the anus, are there any spread to the liver and other parts of the body? We have to look at things totally — not just piece meal. For that I suggest you ask your doctor to do a scan or a PET scan of the whole body. I understand that in JB there is now a place to do PET scan.
3) If you like, ask your doctor to do a blood test and see what it looks like.
4) After you are done with all these, ask the doctor what he wants you to do. Listen to him but you need not follow him yet.
5) Come and see me with all those reports and scans. It is only then that I can help you more intelligently.
Without all these data, I am blind — how to help?
There is NO need to rush to come and see me. After all you have wasted so much time doing what you are doing which unfortunately does not seem to work.
Following what people telling you is not wise at all. Believing what others say can be a serious disaster too.
Why do I ask you to do all these? I can only help her when I see all those reports. Without these I am blind. I don’t know what is really going on. So I need to know as much of everything first. If you go to a blind man – what do you think is going to happen? Currently, PET is the most expensive procedure but will show all the possible cancer spots in the body … if you do CT scan you may not know everything — so, half blind – but still better than being totally blind.
Looks like I am not going to have a pleasant weekend!
My name is T and I’m from Johor Bahru, I found about you from searches on the internet regarding Rectum Cancer.
Here’s my story & I would really appreciate if you can enlighten me as to what I should do next. I was even prepared to just drive up all the way to Penang to see you tomorrow (that is if you’re available).
My mum, age 65, was diagnosed with rectal cancer in July 2007. After we knew about the disease, and after doctors only recommendation (surgery), insisted on it, we opted out.
My mum also dread the idea of going under the knife unless all possible methods are exhausted. So, she insisted to try alternative medicine (TCM). We searched everywhere and asked almost everyone we knew about cancer and alternative medicines. And it all started after the diagnose.
My mum’s first encounter with so called alternative medicine was a recommendation by a relative citing known experience by her personal friend who is suffering cancer. So we went, and my mum was advised to consume ‘raw eggs’ on every meal + supplements from the physician (6 months supply). The supplements claim to have medical doctors’ recommendation to prevent further deterioration. My mum followed the advice for about 6 months but was unable to adapt to the ‘only eggs’ meal as it does not fill her hunger.
So after that, my mum did not continue with this ‘physician’. Again after recommendation from friends as well as my mum’s choice of trying all herbs alternative, we found the second physician, who is in Endau. We drove my mum to this place and again was advice to watch her diet strictly, meaning no meats, including fish and only vegetable. So my mum heeded his advice and started the ‘raw’ herbal medication then. It was about some months when my mum could not take probably the ‘raw’ taste of herbs and boiled herbal drinks. It was like one full load of raw green herbs for a month in my car trunk. And the whole neighborhood smells of herbs.
After on strict dietary guidelines, my mum went down on weight seriously and look weak but the physician said we’ll have to adapt to it otherwise there’s no point even taking herbs. Sometime in late 2008 and after all this herbal drinks and soups, my mum started to bleed from her bowels. At first it was minor but it got serious and needed blood transfusion (1 pint) every 4-5 days interval. This lasted almost 7 to 8 months and finally upon doctor’s recommendation, my mum finally agreed to go ahead with the colostomy surgery.
After the surgery, things were much better. No bleeding, no transfusions and stuffs. So we asked her if she wanted to continue with the herbs from Endau, but she said she could not tolerate all those raw herbs day in & day out. So we started again in our quest to look for another alternative physician.
Two years had passed and after some asking around, it was my uncle
(mum’s younger brother) who recommended a TCM physician in Tampin,
N.S., whom my uncle claim to had cured his business associate of his
cancer using their alternative medicines — containing the known among
‘Chinese,’ the Porcupine Bezoar (Jian Zhu Zhao). This was the most
expensive alternative medication we had, but we hope that some
miracle could happen. So we started to travel form JB to Tampin again
every month. This cost some thousands of ringgit. We did this some 14
to 16 months back till today.
In the recent 6 months, I noticed that things were not good. There were serious infections around my mum’s anus & vagina. From what I’ve read from your websites and the book on cancer, I guess this should be Stage IV and spreading fast. The surface of the skin surrounding the anus & vagina area looks like ‘infections’. And lately my mum does not walk that often citing pain when she walks or sit. Now she does not travel with me to get the medications.
So these are the scenario on my mum and I certainly hope that Mr. Teo could help or advise what should I do. Can I drive to Penang to meet up with you for advice? Or maybe take some of your medications?
Please advise. I now plan to start my trip tonight midnight so I can arrive in Penang in the morning and start searching for your place. By the way, I tried looking all over CACARE web page but did not see any consultation time for Saturday, May I ask do you not open on Saturday? Thank-you for your time, and may you have a pleasant weekend.
Reply: No, please do not drive up to Penang tonight. We are not open on Saturday. I only see patients on Sunday at 7 pm onwards or Fridays at 3 pm onwards.
I suggest you go back to your doctor and see what actually is wrong with your mom now.
1) Is this a metastasis — i.e. cancer that comes from the colon?
2) Generally from colon, it also goes to the liver. So besides the anus, are there any spread to the liver and other parts of the body? We have to look at things totally — not just piece meal. For that I suggest you ask your doctor to do a scan or a PET scan of the whole body. I understand that in JB there is now a place to do PET scan.
3) If you like, ask your doctor to do a blood test and see what it looks like.
4) After you are done with all these, ask the doctor what he wants you to do. Listen to him but you need not follow him yet.
5) Come and see me with all those reports and scans. It is only then that I can help you more intelligently.
Without all these data, I am blind — how to help?
There is NO need to rush to come and see me. After all you have wasted so much time doing what you are doing which unfortunately does not seem to work.
Following what people telling you is not wise at all. Believing what others say can be a serious disaster too.
Why do I ask you to do all these? I can only help her when I see all those reports. Without these I am blind. I don’t know what is really going on. So I need to know as much of everything first. If you go to a blind man – what do you think is going to happen? Currently, PET is the most expensive procedure but will show all the possible cancer spots in the body … if you do CT scan you may not know everything — so, half blind – but still better than being totally blind.
Looks like I am not going to have a pleasant weekend!
Photo of Porcupine date/bezoar/stone
This is how is look like! It looks so ugly but it already saved a lot of human lives. Some even apply it to save their dog when it's has serious dengue sickness.
Is it fake porcupine date/stone/bezoar?
Some customers are asking why I sell it below market price, is it because this is fake porcupine date?
My answer is simple, I can sell you at market price to make your perception think that this is the real porcupine date. Anyway, I won't do this as this will go against my simple purpose. My source will also not allow me to take this advantage of this rare to find porcupine date.
My answer is simple, I can sell you at market price to make your perception think that this is the real porcupine date. Anyway, I won't do this as this will go against my simple purpose. My source will also not allow me to take this advantage of this rare to find porcupine date.
Sunday, 22 July 2012
To cure dengue fever
Cost: RM200
Quantity: 5 Li
Total Cost: RM1000
Saving: RM500/ -33% (Market price assumption RM300 X 5Li = RM1500 - RM1000)
Cure dengue fever
Can speedily reduce the heat and clears the virus. Increases platelet count to normal levels. Helps strengthens the immune system for speedy recovery.
Porcupine Date Powder After Surgery
Heidi Says:
Hi, my mum will undergo anarectal surgery to remove cancerous tumour in 3 weeks later. We have bought some Porcupine Date Powder. What will be the appropriate dosage b4 & after surgery? I heard anaemia patient should not take it b4 operation. Is that true? Kindly advise as my mum is thalassemia minor. Thx
Chinese physician answer:
Sorry for the late reply, because our Chinese physician outstation this 2 weeks.
Porcupine Date Powder is widely used in traditional folk,because this medicine has a high reputation and value. Some patient suffering from cancer, dengue or before and after surgery used this Porcupine Date Powder widely and get good result after used. For rehabilitation after surgery has some help also.
For cancer, not to say that all patients have good results, due to illness and physical condition of each will be different.
The use of Porcupine Date Powder has not certain criteria, depending on the user’s economic capability. Generally, dosage for adult is 0.4g to 0.8g each time.
According to your mother’s situation, she can take 0.4g of Porcupine Date Powder once 3 days before surgery. And start to take 0.4g (daily) in the third day after surgery, for 3 consecutive days.
Hi, my mum will undergo anarectal surgery to remove cancerous tumour in 3 weeks later. We have bought some Porcupine Date Powder. What will be the appropriate dosage b4 & after surgery? I heard anaemia patient should not take it b4 operation. Is that true? Kindly advise as my mum is thalassemia minor. Thx
Chinese physician answer:
Sorry for the late reply, because our Chinese physician outstation this 2 weeks.
Porcupine Date Powder is widely used in traditional folk,because this medicine has a high reputation and value. Some patient suffering from cancer, dengue or before and after surgery used this Porcupine Date Powder widely and get good result after used. For rehabilitation after surgery has some help also.
For cancer, not to say that all patients have good results, due to illness and physical condition of each will be different.
The use of Porcupine Date Powder has not certain criteria, depending on the user’s economic capability. Generally, dosage for adult is 0.4g to 0.8g each time.
According to your mother’s situation, she can take 0.4g of Porcupine Date Powder once 3 days before surgery. And start to take 0.4g (daily) in the third day after surgery, for 3 consecutive days.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Post Surgery after delivery baby through C-section
Cost: RM180
Quantity: 5 Li
Total Cost: RM900
Saving: RM600/ -40% (Market price assumption RM300 X 5Li = RM1500 - RM900)
Post Surgery after delivery baby through C-section
Used in relieving post-surgery side effects such as pain, fever and also helps in healing of the wound.
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Porcupine Bezoar vs Dengue-A real story!
My Bf's Dengue Experience
Quite some time ago the bf had Dengue Fever and that was one of the most nightmarish experience for me ever!
17th. July, 2009
He was feeling very cold during work, he was almost shivering! I kept getting SMS updates from him saying how freezingly cold and sick he's feeling. Thinking maybe it was hunger that striked him, he went to the canteen to grab a bite to eat. Somehow, it didn't help and he began feeling feverish.
He had to take the remaining day off to go home and get some rest. On the way home, he went to see a doctor and got some medicines home. Doctor said, suspected dengue. After taking the medicines and resting, the fever subsided. And after a while, it came back. Off and on... something must be very wrong.
18th. July, 2009
Indeed, he seemingly recovered from fever and was feeling.... okay. He was about to have his night shift work that day, but I insisted he better not go to work, just in case he's still not well. The bf tried looking for colleagues to replace him for the night but oh well, mission failed. He had to go to work somehow.
In the midst of working, as expected. The fever came back and it was worse this time around. He MMS-ed me a picture of himself and I was shocked to see the picture which is this...
His cheeks were so red and I know something is very wrong already. He tahan-ed through the night somehow and throughout the entire night, I did not have a good sleep.
19th. July, 2009
Bf came back from work early in the morning and came to pick me up to accompany him to KPJ Hospital, Seremban to have a blood test on Dengue Fever. It isn't surprising to me even if he is tested positive for that, because at the residential area we are staying... there has been 10 cases of Dengue Fever already. After taking the blood test, he was confirmed having a Dengue Fever. His Platelet count was 154 ( normal range 150 - 309 ).
He took the day off from work and stayed at my place to be taken care of. I made him papaya leaves juice which was claimed to be able to sustain Platelet counts. To get the papaya leaves, dad was slightly injured and both dad and I was chased by a mad dog I almost lost a limb damn it! After serving bf the papaya leaves juice, dad and I went out in a hurry to look for ' tin kai ' a type of frog and bitter gourd for bf as dinner.
20th. July, 2009
It was a Monday and I had to go to work. Left Simon at home for mum to take care of his meals. In the morning, he went back to KPJ for another blood test and oh my... Platelet count fell to 119. He had to be warded immediately. Bf's phobia came by...
I rushed to the hospital during lunch and brought him the frog + bitter gourd soup mum made for him as lunch that day. As expected, I rushed to the hospital again after work and dinner. This lasted for a few good days! And right after visiting him, I have to rush home for US market until midnight. EVERY SINGLE DAY! I think I was about to fall sick as well.
21st. July, 2009
Routines go as usual.... the visits and rushing and blood tests. Bf went to the toilet and almost collapsed in there. His vision was blurred and later having a blackout! Nurses came to measure his blood pressure and it was really low, 75/58. Some hours later blood test result showed that his Platelet count continued falling to 112 already. He was immediately transferred to the ICU. No handphones allowed, I couldn't get anymore updates from him.
I went to visit him again during lunch and I brought him something great. The porcupine bezoar! That one tablespoon of powder costs RM 500! With a sneeze towards it and it's gone! Poofff! Just joking, Simon ate it although he doesn't even know what the heck is that thing. So expensive that 5 Jogoya meals gone just like that.
During that night, he had too much gas from consuming 100 plus; he vomitted. All out. I was so worried the porcupine bezoar didn't managed to be digested in time and was out as well. He was greatly demotivated. At that point of time his Platelet count was very low already, but I have forgotten the figure. I seriously thought he was gonna die and I will have to get a new bf for good.
22nd. July, 2009
Platelet count shot up to 89. Yippeeee! I was the happiest person when I heard that. It gets better as time goes by and he was transferred back to normal ward. On a side note, a nurse came to take a blood sample and don't know how she did it, but she was poking Simon's arm non-stop until he was bruised.
His final blood test result shown that the Platelet count has increased back to 119. Indeed the porcupine bezoar works! He was discharged. I didn't have to look for a new bf.
17th. July, 2009
He was feeling very cold during work, he was almost shivering! I kept getting SMS updates from him saying how freezingly cold and sick he's feeling. Thinking maybe it was hunger that striked him, he went to the canteen to grab a bite to eat. Somehow, it didn't help and he began feeling feverish.
He had to take the remaining day off to go home and get some rest. On the way home, he went to see a doctor and got some medicines home. Doctor said, suspected dengue. After taking the medicines and resting, the fever subsided. And after a while, it came back. Off and on... something must be very wrong.
18th. July, 2009
Indeed, he seemingly recovered from fever and was feeling.... okay. He was about to have his night shift work that day, but I insisted he better not go to work, just in case he's still not well. The bf tried looking for colleagues to replace him for the night but oh well, mission failed. He had to go to work somehow.
In the midst of working, as expected. The fever came back and it was worse this time around. He MMS-ed me a picture of himself and I was shocked to see the picture which is this...
His cheeks were so red and I know something is very wrong already. He tahan-ed through the night somehow and throughout the entire night, I did not have a good sleep.
19th. July, 2009
Bf came back from work early in the morning and came to pick me up to accompany him to KPJ Hospital, Seremban to have a blood test on Dengue Fever. It isn't surprising to me even if he is tested positive for that, because at the residential area we are staying... there has been 10 cases of Dengue Fever already. After taking the blood test, he was confirmed having a Dengue Fever. His Platelet count was 154 ( normal range 150 - 309 ).
He took the day off from work and stayed at my place to be taken care of. I made him papaya leaves juice which was claimed to be able to sustain Platelet counts. To get the papaya leaves, dad was slightly injured and both dad and I was chased by a mad dog I almost lost a limb damn it! After serving bf the papaya leaves juice, dad and I went out in a hurry to look for ' tin kai ' a type of frog and bitter gourd for bf as dinner.
20th. July, 2009
It was a Monday and I had to go to work. Left Simon at home for mum to take care of his meals. In the morning, he went back to KPJ for another blood test and oh my... Platelet count fell to 119. He had to be warded immediately. Bf's phobia came by...
I rushed to the hospital during lunch and brought him the frog + bitter gourd soup mum made for him as lunch that day. As expected, I rushed to the hospital again after work and dinner. This lasted for a few good days! And right after visiting him, I have to rush home for US market until midnight. EVERY SINGLE DAY! I think I was about to fall sick as well.
21st. July, 2009
Routines go as usual.... the visits and rushing and blood tests. Bf went to the toilet and almost collapsed in there. His vision was blurred and later having a blackout! Nurses came to measure his blood pressure and it was really low, 75/58. Some hours later blood test result showed that his Platelet count continued falling to 112 already. He was immediately transferred to the ICU. No handphones allowed, I couldn't get anymore updates from him.
I went to visit him again during lunch and I brought him something great. The porcupine bezoar! That one tablespoon of powder costs RM 500! With a sneeze towards it and it's gone! Poofff! Just joking, Simon ate it although he doesn't even know what the heck is that thing. So expensive that 5 Jogoya meals gone just like that.
During that night, he had too much gas from consuming 100 plus; he vomitted. All out. I was so worried the porcupine bezoar didn't managed to be digested in time and was out as well. He was greatly demotivated. At that point of time his Platelet count was very low already, but I have forgotten the figure. I seriously thought he was gonna die and I will have to get a new bf for good.
22nd. July, 2009
Platelet count shot up to 89. Yippeeee! I was the happiest person when I heard that. It gets better as time goes by and he was transferred back to normal ward. On a side note, a nurse came to take a blood sample and don't know how she did it, but she was poking Simon's arm non-stop until he was bruised.
His final blood test result shown that the Platelet count has increased back to 119. Indeed the porcupine bezoar works! He was discharged. I didn't have to look for a new bf.
PORCUPINE BEZOAR "Believe to SAVE your life"
In Chinese traditional medicine, there are some incredible sources of natural remedies for all kinds of ailments. One of these many interesting remedies believed to be able to cure various conditions is called a bezoar.
A bezoar is a mass of food found trapped in an animal’s stomach system, usually from consuming grass and herbs. In particular, bezoar stones found in porcupines are believed to be used to cure cancer, diabetes, dengue fever, typhoid, epilepsy, hepatitis as well as many other conditions.
In Malaysia, there is a high demand for porcupine bezoar stones and medicinal shops can charge as much as RM1000 or MORE for only 0.375 gm! So do you know that in the market,there began more and more people selling fake bezoar stones for the sake of great profit.This porcupine bezoar could save lifes but they don't even CARE of the patient who is in critical condition.So beware whenever you are buying this porcupine bezoar.
A bezoar is a mass of food found trapped in an animal’s stomach system, usually from consuming grass and herbs. In particular, bezoar stones found in porcupines are believed to be used to cure cancer, diabetes, dengue fever, typhoid, epilepsy, hepatitis as well as many other conditions.
In Malaysia, there is a high demand for porcupine bezoar stones and medicinal shops can charge as much as RM1000 or MORE for only 0.375 gm! So do you know that in the market,there began more and more people selling fake bezoar stones for the sake of great profit.This porcupine bezoar could save lifes but they don't even CARE of the patient who is in critical condition.So beware whenever you are buying this porcupine bezoar.
What is a real & original Porcupine Bezoar (何谓正宗豪猪枣)?
*Genuine porcupine bezoar is able to heal and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Here are the lists of the “MYTHS” and assumptions made by the public, TCM doctors, Herbs Supplier etc:
1. Porcupines when sick will look for the herbs to cure themselves and over a period of time, the bezoars will form itself inside the body of the porcupine.
2. Out of 1000 or 10,000 porcupines, you can only find ONE (1) bezoar formed in the body of the sick porcupine and usually obtained from the aborigines living in the jungle.
3. Porcupine bezoars are categorized as (a) Grassy type, (b) Powder type, (c) Mixture of Both, (d) Blooded type, (e) Black type, (f) Kernel type.
4. It is mainly found in Indonesia, some part of Sabah & Sarawak and some Asia counterparts.
5. The taste must be bitter and secretion of saliva when dissolve in the mouth.
6. The bezoars grow in the feet, head/brain (Blood type), and other body parts of the porcupine.
Here are the lists of the “MYTHS” and assumptions made by the public, TCM doctors, Herbs Supplier etc:
1. Porcupines when sick will look for the herbs to cure themselves and over a period of time, the bezoars will form itself inside the body of the porcupine.
2. Out of 1000 or 10,000 porcupines, you can only find ONE (1) bezoar formed in the body of the sick porcupine and usually obtained from the aborigines living in the jungle.
3. Porcupine bezoars are categorized as (a) Grassy type, (b) Powder type, (c) Mixture of Both, (d) Blooded type, (e) Black type, (f) Kernel type.
4. It is mainly found in Indonesia, some part of Sabah & Sarawak and some Asia counterparts.
5. The taste must be bitter and secretion of saliva when dissolve in the mouth.
6. The bezoars grow in the feet, head/brain (Blood type), and other body parts of the porcupine.
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
豪猪枣-人间最后仙丹's notes
刺猬枣消毒解炎 , 提升免疫功能 , 使细胞组织再生和抗氧化 , 孕妇产前及产后,手术前后一般广为人知急症比如蚊症 , 高烧不退 , 毛丹 , 血小板低 , 时下流行性病症 , 热毒肿瘤脓疮病症如 , 痔疮 , 糖尿伤口难愈合 , 基孔肯亚症 , 手足口症等等 ……重症如 : 中风 , 癌症 , 红斑性狼疮症 , 脑膜炎 , 心臓衰械以及关系到免疫功能失调的病例 , 五臓受损感染病毒 , 内出血问题等…疗效的迅速是依据服食了怎样等级和质量的刺猬枣而言的 ,
后注 : 在现前医学的研究也无法确定刺猬枣里的不知明微量原素只是发现到激素的成份.他们无法认同 但也无法否定它的奇效如 , 蚊症在医学上也束手无策可是刺猬枣却廔见奇功,人人皆知 !
刺猬枣消毒解炎 , 提升免疫功能 , 使细胞组织再生和抗氧化 , 孕妇产前及产后,手术前后一般广为人知急症比如蚊症 , 高烧不退 , 毛丹 , 血小板低 , 时下流行性病症 , 热毒肿瘤脓疮病症如 , 痔疮 , 糖尿伤口难愈合 , 基孔肯亚症 , 手足口症等等 ……重症如 : 中风 , 癌症 , 红斑性狼疮症 , 脑膜炎 , 心臓衰械以及关系到免疫功能失调的病例 , 五臓受损感染病毒 , 内出血问题等…疗效的迅速是依据服食了怎样等级和质量的刺猬枣而言的 ,
后注 : 在现前医学的研究也无法确定刺猬枣里的不知明微量原素只是发现到激素的成份.他们无法认同 但也无法否定它的奇效如 , 蚊症在医学上也束手无策可是刺猬枣却廔见奇功,人人皆知 !
如何计算重量单位 一个不为人知的小细节 , 公平的交易消费者须知 :
一両= 十钱, 一钱= 十分, 一分= 十厘,
您可知道一分有多少克吗? 一両= 37.8 克, 一钱= 3.78 克, 一分= 0.378 克, 一厘= 0.0378 克( 0.04 克 ),
一分是0.38 克 , 当您购买刺猬枣时 , 您是否有察觉到您买的货物是否物有所值 ? 聪明的消费者不须我画公仔画出肠吧 …..! 关于份量的问题与医疗上是有很大的差异 , 何解 ? 以厘的份量服食和分的份量服食俩者差距十倍 , 要是病入膏慌者服食不够份量的刺猬枣将导致无法见其疗效 , 那您是否会怀疑刺猬枣的真假性 ? 甚至置疑和否定刺猬枣的药用价值观 ?本人在此提醒 , 强调厘于分差距十倍 !
刺猬枣 (豪猪枣)Porcupine Stone
什么是刺猬枣 (豪猪枣) ? 相信还有很多人只是一知半解, 只要大家拨出宝贵的两三分钟, 用心阅读以下的说明相信大家更能够深一层的了解刺猬枣的等级及疗效 !
1. 刺猬枣是刺猬受伤或生病后在热带森林里觅食各种 (可能百种) 草药来治疗它本身的伤患与病痛 . 被觅食的草药混合了刺猬体内的激素然而凝固在刺猬的某个器官, 有些是在胃 , 排骨边肉 , 脑里 , 或颈部 . 生在胃的叫作半粉草枣和草枣 , 生在排骨边 , 肉层的是粉枣而生在脑内或后脑的就是枣中极品血枣了 . 草枣粗糙可见其草枝即使磨研后入口难溶尚有粗纤维 , 血枣和粉枣磨研粉后入口即溶 , 半粉枣也一样粉质细幼 . 最具争论性传闻中罕见极品的血枣廬山真样到底是怎样的呢 ? 血枣生於内团团的血丝包埋住那颗药结石 , 刚取出时血淋淋的红色物体 , 可是当它被处理晒干后是黑色的 , 用放大镜观查之下其血丝充满着整个层面 , 干后的血丝是白色的 ! 世面所说血枣是红色的难免也欠科学根据 , 因为血液干了之后是黑色的 . 枣的等级决定了它不同的价值 , 一级血枣 , 二级粉枣 , 三级半粉草枣 , 四级草枣.
什么是刺猬枣 (豪猪枣) ? 相信还有很多人只是一知半解, 只要大家拨出宝贵的两三分钟, 用心阅读以下的说明相信大家更能够深一层的了解刺猬枣的等级及疗效 !
1. 刺猬枣是刺猬受伤或生病后在热带森林里觅食各种 (可能百种) 草药来治疗它本身的伤患与病痛 . 被觅食的草药混合了刺猬体内的激素然而凝固在刺猬的某个器官, 有些是在胃 , 排骨边肉 , 脑里 , 或颈部 . 生在胃的叫作半粉草枣和草枣 , 生在排骨边 , 肉层的是粉枣而生在脑内或后脑的就是枣中极品血枣了 . 草枣粗糙可见其草枝即使磨研后入口难溶尚有粗纤维 , 血枣和粉枣磨研粉后入口即溶 , 半粉枣也一样粉质细幼 . 最具争论性传闻中罕见极品的血枣廬山真样到底是怎样的呢 ? 血枣生於内团团的血丝包埋住那颗药结石 , 刚取出时血淋淋的红色物体 , 可是当它被处理晒干后是黑色的 , 用放大镜观查之下其血丝充满着整个层面 , 干后的血丝是白色的 ! 世面所说血枣是红色的难免也欠科学根据 , 因为血液干了之后是黑色的 . 枣的等级决定了它不同的价值 , 一级血枣 , 二级粉枣 , 三级半粉草枣 , 四级草枣.
一般上从事买卖刺猬枣的商家都以自己 “多年” 从事这门行业的口号 , 阅枣无数 , 品尝其口感有者苦的 , 有者甘的, 有者先苦后甘 , 有者后甘先苦 …..判断枣的表层结构纤维内层旋祸组织 , 甚至争论软与硬对立攻击 , 说自家是真他家不是之说 . 其实刺猬枣都具足以上行家所言的特徵 , 只是因为枣的品质优劣与等级的辩证方式而已 . 所以有些业者一路来只见某种类型 , 从未见过另一类款而另一家刚好相反见识不一而引发口舌之争 .辩证真伪只有两个方式 : 方式一 , 用显微镜观查之下不管是哪一等级的枣它都有一个共同特点那就是在百倍微观之下表层或内层都遍满着金色纤维粒子真伪即分为无所循形之下 , 这个方法不是用肉眼就可以自吹自擂说真道伪 . 方式二 , 服食后的功效到达了怎样的水准 ?好 , 坏 , 快 , 慢 , 自有分晓单刀直入事实莫於雄辩 .
重点 : 即使买到已经磨研成粉的刺猬枣只要在显 微镜之下检验答案自有分晓不须强词夺理道真伪. (每种等级刺猬枣都有此特点)
一般上从事买卖刺猬枣的商家都以自己 “多年” 从事这门行业的口号 , 阅枣无数 , 品尝其口感有者苦的 , 有者甘的, 有者先苦后甘 , 有者后甘先苦 …..判断枣的表层结构纤维内层旋祸组织 , 甚至争论软与硬对立攻击 , 说自家是真他家不是之说 . 其实刺猬枣都具足以上行家所言的特徵 , 只是因为枣的品质优劣与等级的辩证方式而已 . 所以有些业者一路来只见某种类型 , 从未见过另一类款而另一家刚好相反见识不一而引发口舌之争 .辩证真伪只有两个方式 : 方式一 , 用显微镜观查之下不管是哪一等级的枣它都有一个共同特点那就是在百倍微观之下表层或内层都遍满着金色纤维粒子真伪即分为无所循形之下 , 这个方法不是用肉眼就可以自吹自擂说真道伪 . 方式二 , 服食后的功效到达了怎样的水准 ?好 , 坏 , 快 , 慢 , 自有分晓单刀直入事实莫於雄辩 .
重点 : 即使买到已经磨研成粉的刺猬枣只要在显 微镜之下检验答案自有分晓不须强词夺理道真伪. (每种等级刺猬枣都有此特点)
Pensioner held for rearing porcupines
SHAH ALAM: A pensioner was arrested for rearing porcupines without a permit at his house, believed for the “magical properties of their stones”.
Wildlife officers arrested the man, who is in his 50s, on Tuesday and seized 13 porcupines kept in cages at his home at Jalan Kuang in Rawang as well as some frozen meat and a four-day-old carcass of the wild animal.
Selangor Wildlife and National Parks Department deputy director Mohammad Khairi Ahmad said the man had constructed the cages to rear the porcupines he caught from the nearby oil palm estates and secondary forest.
“Our officers went to the house following a tip-off and found that he has no permit to rear the animals,” he said, adding that animals were especially prized for their bezoar stones.
Bezoar is a mass of food, usually from consuming grass and herbs, found trapped in the animals’ stomach system and is long used in Chinese traditional medicine.
“Porcupine meat is high in protein and this wild porcupine is known for its bezoar stone, said to be able to cure dengue fever and flu,” he said, adding that some medicinal shops in Klang sell these for up to RM700 for a mere 0.38g, which would then be used as tonic for flu.
In another case, a civil servant in his 30s was arrested for keeping eight porcupines and an Asian palm civet — known locally as musang pulut — in Kampung Bukit
Tempurung also in Rawang.
Wildlife officers also arrested a pet shop owner in Section 24 here recently and seized six pythons from its premises.
All three men arrested will be charged under Section 68 of the Wildlife Protection Act which carries a fine not more than RM3,000 or a three-year jail term.
Friday December 18, 2009
Wildlife officers arrested the man, who is in his 50s, on Tuesday and seized 13 porcupines kept in cages at his home at Jalan Kuang in Rawang as well as some frozen meat and a four-day-old carcass of the wild animal.
Selangor Wildlife and National Parks Department deputy director Mohammad Khairi Ahmad said the man had constructed the cages to rear the porcupines he caught from the nearby oil palm estates and secondary forest.
“Our officers went to the house following a tip-off and found that he has no permit to rear the animals,” he said, adding that animals were especially prized for their bezoar stones.
Bezoar is a mass of food, usually from consuming grass and herbs, found trapped in the animals’ stomach system and is long used in Chinese traditional medicine.
“Porcupine meat is high in protein and this wild porcupine is known for its bezoar stone, said to be able to cure dengue fever and flu,” he said, adding that some medicinal shops in Klang sell these for up to RM700 for a mere 0.38g, which would then be used as tonic for flu.
In another case, a civil servant in his 30s was arrested for keeping eight porcupines and an Asian palm civet — known locally as musang pulut — in Kampung Bukit
Tempurung also in Rawang.
Wildlife officers also arrested a pet shop owner in Section 24 here recently and seized six pythons from its premises.
All three men arrested will be charged under Section 68 of the Wildlife Protection Act which carries a fine not more than RM3,000 or a three-year jail term.
Friday December 18, 2009
Monday, 16 July 2012
The Malayan porcupine (Hystrix brachyura)
The Malayan porcupine (Hystrix brachyura) is a rare and elusive creature that lives in many areas of Asia including but not limited to India, Malaysia, Nepal, and Vietnam. They are found living in altitudes from sea level to approximately 1,300 meters above sea level. With a usual life span of 20-27 years depending on environmental and encroaching human building and population factors, they can weigh from 1.7 pounds (0.760 Kg) to around 5.4 pounds (2.414 Kg) and can reach a length of 83.5 cm (32.9 inches) including their long tails. These animals are very shy and prefer to wander and forage for food at night. They are predominantly nocturnal and are rarely seen for any reason during the day unless threatened or sick.
With a huge habitat range of nearly the entire continent of Asia and even further into neighboring continents, the Malayan porcupine is one of the most widely yet sparsely spread out rodents on Earth. What makes the habitat of these creatures unique, however, is the type of terrain that they live in. They live in heavily wooded areas and make their dens in rocky areas of the ground. Malayan porcupines create burrows which lead into huge networks of tunnels beneath their surrounding habitats, allowing them to get around during the daytime without being exposed to sunlight.
The Malayan porcupine is covered at birth with soft quills which sharpen into rigid, hard quills upon reaching adulthood. This is the animal's defense mechanism and is effective to most predators and hunters that come after these porcupines. Though not predators themselves, they eat fruits, roots, nuts, and insects, as well as carrion (or dead animal matter).
In general, the Malayan porcupine is endangered because of over-hunting and human overpopulation into their habitats. There are tribes of people who eat them and who use their quills for decorative purposes. They are also hunted by feral cats, some types of wild hogs, and other predatory animals that live in the same region as they do. In some countries like Vietnam, their paws are considered good-luck charms just as rabbits' feet are in the United States. Without a little consideration and help from mankind, this unique species will become extinct very quickly. The International Union for Conservation of Nature ranks the Malayan porcupine as a vulnerable species with a high likelihood of facing extinction in the wild. This is due to the fact that they are hunted for their meat. They are also hunted to be displayed as decoration for their unique quills and coloring.
The Malayan porcupine is listed as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the Malayan porcupine
A young / baby of a Malayan porcupine is called a 'pup'. The females are called 'sow' and males 'boar'. A Malayan porcupine group is called a 'prickle or family'.7 Prickly Facts About Porcupines
Africa’s largest rodents, porcupines, are also known as ‘Quill Pigs’. They are prickly creatures, each one with more than 30,000 needle-like quills on their back, sides and tail. While searching for food they make grunting sounds and are most active during the night. Now let's learn some more interesting facts about this amazing creature!
1. The name porcupine means ‘one who rises up in anger’. These nocturnal species are difficult to find in the daytime as they love to sleep during the day. Known as master-climbers, porcupines have strong feet, curved claws and flat paws for climbing trees. Some also use their strong tail to climb trees.
2. Porcupines do not hibernate. They prefer to live in shady places such as forests, hillsides, grasslands and deserts. They prefer to choose a cave, tree, or snow banks that are safe from predators. Their homes are called dens.
3. Being herbivores, porcupines do not eat meat and feed mostly on leaves, pine-needles, herbs, twigs and the thin bark of trees. They use their sharp and strong teeth to chew through tough wood and seeds. Their long incisors are used to tear into bark.
4. Porcupines are famous for the stiff, thick quills which cover their body, except for their face and tail. They protect them against predators such as coyotes, dogs, bears, foxes and even humans. Quills lost in self defense are soon replaced by new ones. Though porcupines are not aggressive animals, it is better to stay away, as being pierced by these quills is painful and could even result in death in extreme cases.
5. The end of summer or early fall is the mating season for porcupines. Babies known as porcupettes are born with soft quills, which get hard within hours. In about six months the baby gets ready to leave their mother after they learn how to survive.
6. There are two main groups of porcupines: Old World porcupines are mainly ground-dwelling animals while New World porcupines are those which can climb trees. The common porcupine is also known as the North American porcupine, which is found in wooded regions from Alaska to Mexico.
7. In the past, Native Americans used quills to decorate clothing, moccasins, headdresses, birch bark boxes and pouches. The animal was also an important source of food.
Today, some people consider porcupines to be pests, but in reality these shy creatures are very helpful to other animals. By feeding mostly on common tree species and nibbling on treetop leaves, they bring more sunlight to dense forests. They may not see well and often tumble out of trees – but we still have much to learn about this spiky creature!
Real Story-The Essence of Life ~ Porcupine Dates
The whole family is so exhausted and so hopeless seeing him in coma condition. He was admitted Intensive Care Unit in coma and critical condition due to food poisoning and highly uric acid foods ingestion. The intestine containing e-coli (Escherichia coli) bacteria and which went into his blood, urine and brain cells. Plus his constants vomiting caused dehydration and lost of fluids. After heavy vomiting and the stomach acid have destroyed his esophagus becomes inflamed and sore.
To his illness condition and urination is getting lessen, and doctor said he may have to going through the operation procedure by insert a small tube; this operation procedure is called ureteral stent through the bladder into the ureter to restore the flow of urine to the bladder, as he is in difficulty to pass urine due to the swollen and inflammation kidney. Increase of urine creatinine level may leads to kidney failure, and certain complication has causes this syndrome.
We all so much so rejected this operation as he is still in the unstable, high fever, and critical condition, partly due to his elderly as the reasons, we think he is not advisable to going through this suffer again to increase risk. Moreover, he had done this surgery last year that really gave him uncomfortable and painful for months. It does not help much and causes other complications to him. The stent may have to remaining in place for short-term or maybe long term basis.
The doctor has no guarantee that surgery would save his life. At this stage, we rejected the doctor’s suggestion; doctor warned us and he would not responsible for our intention for not doing the insertion of ureteral stent for urination operation. We afraid the surgery may worsening the infection.
To our surprise he was awakened from the coma, it is miracle. But he can’t talk and eat. The throat incubation has save his lives but also caused inflammation to his throat. And what we can do it to first reduces his inflamed throat to minimize the pains and fever. Secondly, is to control the uric acid and help in passing urination by natural way to reduce the swollen kidney. At this moment, we came to the conclusion of using alternative way of homeopathic remedy for detoxification process, to get rid of his inflamed throat and kidney.
I came across this miracle stuff that suggested by my mom and sister. At first, we were quite discouraged to use such an expensive way of homeopathic treatment, reason is how truth and any harmful side effect after all. So I surf online for further information. Then from what we had tried on him, it is really a good stuff for alternative healing instead of going through operation procedure. This is only the alternative way to soothe and lessen his throat inflammation at the first place, when we decided to do so. But anyhow, we had done with the doctor’s supervision.
We bought this stuff from Chinese medicine shop. To be frankly, the price is shocking high, due to its valuable effect, hard to find also one of the reason, and we also can’t believe it.
At first, I told my friends about this stuff and its benefits, it is a miracle alternative medicine to my dad, and my friend suggested whether I would place this article on my “Simply Senz” blog?
I just simply answer my friend that ‘it is such an expensive medicine, this may caused the crisis of price to the medicine’; hopefully not. Yet still many peoples are not awake of its usage and useful benefits in alternative way of healing. So now I decided to place here as an alternative healing reference to my readers.
After few doses of feeding to my dad with this ‘Porcupine Dates’, though I still can’t believe the goodness of its healing. After a short period of 2 days, he has rapidly recovered and reduces of painful throat; the ulcer in his mouth has reduced. Now he can talk and drink some liquid foods. Fever has been reduced. His urination is flow smoothly and clears without the crystal substance in it. The creatinine count in the urine,values range from 4700/mg has dropped and reduces rapidly to 1700/mg in normalize level.
The name of this stuff is called “Porcupine Dates”
In Chinese name as “豪猪枣” or "箭猪枣" (Jian Zhu Zao)
This Porcupine Dates can be found in South East Asia, that can buy from certain Chinese medicine shop.
The characteristics of Porcupine Dates are calculus growth like a rare “stone” shape like a “date”, that found in the stomach of a porcupine. When porcupine is ill or injured, porcupine will find the wild growth herbs in the forest to cure itself. As the virus is besieged this porcupine dates will grow as the healing progress this “dates shape stone” may form in the stomach. The size and the medical value is based on the duration of time, or it grows in bigger size by the age of the porcupine.
I tasted this porcupine dates, its taste is bitter. The benefit is to remove phlegm, detoxification, natural immunization booster, anti-inflammation, anti-body and supper antioxidant.
Traditionally, this has been recorded in old Chinese medicine book. According to its valuable testimonial has been shown successfully treat lymphoma, blood cancer, dengue fever, fever, retention of fluid to the lungs, lumber swollen, and herpes complex, before operation or after surgery, diabetes and lungs infection.
What I can see that some of the “Food” can be poisonious if overeating, also food can be a healer too. What I am trying to say homeopathic remedy sometimes does help a lot. Remember, before trying any alternative homeopathic remedy please consult your doctor or physician first.
I hope through this experience that I overcoming in using the alternative way of homeopathic remedy to my dad, to share it with other when situation comes to worst stage. If needed, no harm trying to help in minimizes the painful condition to elderly sick patient if needed. It also depending on individual body health condition.
Valuable porcupine date worth over RM110,000
BAHAU, Negeri Sembilan: A resident in Bahau accidentally removed a fresh porcupine date from a porcupine last week. A buyer from Johor Bahru was willing to pay RM110,000 for it but the owner just refused to sell. This porcupine date weighs 170 grams. As its size is unusually big, it therefore fetches a very high price.
Since the resident refuses to publicise his finding, he has been trying very hard to keep a low profile on this extraordinary porcupine date.
Relieving pain and inflammation
Li Wan Long, a traditional Chinese medical practitioner in Bahau, said during an interview with Sin Chew Daily that porcupine dates were considered a type of Chinese medicine. Due to their powerful curative effects and rarity, they are usually priced extremely high, and porcupine date can cost between RM600 and RM700 a gram.
He said porcupine dates were very effective in relieving pain and inflammation, especially among pregnant women and post-surgery patients.
In addition, porcupine dates also help prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancers.
It has been reported that a buyer from Johor Bahru intended to acquire the porcupine date for RM110,000 but the owner refused to sell it because he believed the offered price did not match the actual value of the porcupine date.
Li said porcupine dates were very rare and hard to get, therefore a porcupine date weighing more than a hundred grams was a truly rare find.
According to him, when porcupines are suffering from illnesses or injuries, they will look for herbs in the forest for self-healing, and these herbs will accumulate around the stones formed inside their bodies to become porcupine dates.
He said even if porcupine dates might be a burden to the animals, they were a much treasured formulation for traditional medical practitioners.
Attracting frauds
He said due to the exorbitant prices these porcupine dates fetched, there were irresponsible tradesmen selling fraudulent dates to make money.
He said six months ago an Indonesian man and his son brought some porcupine dates here to sell, and they were beaten up by the people at a hotel in Johor Bahru after it was discovered that they were selling fraudulent porcupine dates.
He lamented that many hunters failed to check the bodies of porcupines for the dates, adding that fresh porcupine dates could deteriorate in quality if they were not properly handled. (Translated by LIM LIY EE/Sin Chew Daily)
Man caught rearing porcupines in cages
Demand for the meat of the porcupine and bezoar stones from its gall-bladder is so high that a government pensioner has been rearing them in cages at his home in Rawang.
People who believe that the bezoar stones of porcupines can cure dengue fever and flu have been his customers, along with outlets serving exotic wildlife dishes.
Acting on a tip-off, enforcment officers from the Department of Wildlife and National Parks raided the pensioner's house on Tuesday.
They seized 13 porcupines and cleaned porcupine meat kept in a freezer together with a carcass of a baby porcupine believed kept to be boiled for soup.
Selangor Wildlife and National Parks Department deputy director Mohammad Khairi Ahmad said man had no permit to rear the animals.
He said the pensioner, who is in his 50's, built more than 50 cages to rear the porcupines which he caught from the nearby oil palm estates and forested areas around Rawang.
Medicinal shops in Klang sell porcupine bezoar stones for as much as RM700 for a mere 0.38 grams. One stone the average size of a marble could fetch RM25,000. Customers from China snap up most of the stones.
Mohammad Khairi said porcupine carcasses are sold at RM400, adding that most of the time the animal is butchered and the meat sold at RM80 per kg. "For example if one porcupine is about 25 months-old, its meat alone could weigh eight kilos. So, there is more cash to be made if the animal is cut up and its meat is sold," he said.
Meanwhile, in the same district, another civil servant in his 30s was arrested for keeping eight porcupines and one civet known to locals as Musang Pulut (paradoxurus hermaphrodites).
In another case officers of the Wildlife department raided the Aqua 24 Pet Cage, Pet, Accessory and Exotic Pet shop in Section 24, Dataran Usahawan here and seized three African Ball Pythons, two Burmese Pythons and one Reticulated Python.
The owner was arrested.
Mohammad said the department would get a court order to release the porcupines animals to the Sungai Dusun Wildlife Reserve in Kuala Kubu Baru.
All three arrested will be charged under Section 68, of the Wildlife Protection Act 1972 (Act 76) under which the maximum fine is not more than RM3,000 or a three-year jail term or both.
Published Dec 17 2009
Monday, 9 July 2012
Interesting facts about Porcupine Stones…
Several incidences have been pointing to the porcupine bezoar stone as one amazing alternative medicine for almost all kinds of diseases even tumor and cancer. Its high medicinal value is comparable to the Chinese herbs for cancer. Some stories about this porcupine stone were quite unbelievable but true. Sometime in the history of the Chinese herb medicine, the porcupine bezoar stone was used to cure patients suffering from terminal illness. The porcupine bezoar is popular only to people who had witnessed its amazing works on patients with terminal diseases but hasn’t gain much popularity around the globe.
Porcupines have special stiff needle like quills as hair that serves to sting and drive predators away. The muscles are controlling the quills. The quills are filled with air and it can lie flat or straight up. Research across the world established only two types of porcupines. Those that live and eat on the ground and those that spend most of their time in trees. The quills make the porcupine buoyant in water. Although they don’t have venom, they do have barbs on each end that tend to expand as they penetrate the skin of the enemy. Any movement from the enemy causes the quill to go deeper making it most of the time, impossible to remove.
Porcupines belong to the herbivores group of animals. The favourite foods of porcupines are bitter tasting roots and branches of plants and herbs. The diet of this group of animals was associated to its strong immune system and ability to heal quickly. They possess very strong immune system that effectively fights toxins and inhibits the effects of poison. It certainly works as effective antidotes to poisons. Bezoar literally means antidote in Persian language. The herb that they seek when sick contains certain chemical compounds that help fight the damages brought by toxins as well as facilitate healing. Several studies revealed that unused chemical compounds form a stone like substance inside its body called porcupine bezoar. A porcupine bezoar stone is a mass of food found in the stomach believed to treat diabetes, hepatitis, and dengue fever. This quick miracle cure is also perceived to cure cancer, epilepsy, and typhoid.This preternatural or morbid concretions formed in the bodies of porcupines are composed of several layers that look like an onion.
The bigger porcupine bezoar, also known as porcupine stone or porcupine date, demonstrates better quality and higher medicinal value. A porcupine bezoar stone is comparable to Chinese herbs for cancer because it consists of trichobezoars, phytobezoars, or pharmacobezoars. Trichobezoars are partially digested hair. Phytobezoars are fibres coming from fruits and vegetables. Pharmacobezoars are hardened blocks of drugs.
Friday, 6 July 2012
A real story...
Porcupne Bezoar - 1 packet costing RM250.00
Recently, I was down with dengue fever and a friend gave me 2 packet of Porcupine Bezoar. I was to eat 1/2 packet in the morning and the balance in the evening.
I was confirmed to have dengue after 5 days of high fever. By then my blood platelet was down to 130 but the hospital won't admit me. I was asked to have another blood test the next day.
On the 6th day morning, my friend gave me 2 packets of Porcupine Bezoar and immediately I took 1/2 packet. About an hour after taking the Porcupine Bezoar, I went for the schedule blood test. My blood platelet was down to 83 but my fever was gone.
I was admitted into the hospital and continue to take the balance Porcupine Bezoar. On the 7th day, my blood platelet was down to 79 with no fever. The doctor was pleased with the little drop.
I was admitted into the hospital and continue to take the balance Porcupine Bezoar. On the 7th day, my blood platelet was down to 79 with no fever. The doctor was pleased with the little drop.
On the 8th day, my blood platelet was up to 95 and I was discharged from the hospital. Porcupine Bezoar powdered is easy to consume and it licorice taste is pleasant to the palate.
As at todate, there is still no medicine to cure dengue fever. In the hospital, the patient is put on drip with constant monitoring of fever and blood platelet only. It is all up to your body to fight this virus. However, we now know that water melon juice, papaya leave juice and the most effective Porcupine Bezoar can help to reduce heat and clear the dengue virus.
As at todate, there is still no medicine to cure dengue fever. In the hospital, the patient is put on drip with constant monitoring of fever and blood platelet only. It is all up to your body to fight this virus. However, we now know that water melon juice, papaya leave juice and the most effective Porcupine Bezoar can help to reduce heat and clear the dengue virus.
Porcupine Bezoar is a type of stone-like substance found in a porcupine's body. Since a long time ago, it was recognized and used by the people for having the effect of "resurrecting" patients with terminal illness. It is known for saving lives of those patients at the brink of death. Contain high medicinal values.
Before we draw your attention to the value of the porcupine bezoar, we must first get to know the porcupine that is rare.
Porcupines are animals covered with spikes. These mammals' habitat is the jungle. A porcupine has strong survival instincts and heals quickly whenever it is sick. This is related to its diet. Herbivores by nature, its favourite food are bitter-tasting plants' roots and branch. Since most bitter-tasting plants are sources of medicinal herbs, procupine has an immune system that is strong against toxins and poisons. When it is injured or sick, it will go seeking for a type of herb. This herb, when digested, produces a type of chemical that fights and kills toxins in the porcupine's body, enabling it to heal quickly. But the left over chemicals in its body would slowly gather and form a type of stone-like substance, also known as Porcupine Bezoar.
Since each porcupine varies in its internal structure, immunity, gene structure and habitat, their body structure also varies. There are differences in its external body, body tone, size, quality and colour.
The longer a porcupine bozoar is left in a porcupine's body, the bigger it will be in its size, medicinal value and quality. However, porcupine bezoar does not exist inside every procupine, even if it does exist, there will only be one piece. As such, it is very valuable.
Each porcupine bezoar looks different. It is very challenging to determine a porcupine bezoar's quality & authenticity, and the expertise & knowledge in it is essential.
Used in relieving post-surgery side effects such as pain, fever and also helps in healing of the wound.
Relieves the pain & infection caused by post-chemotherapy & radiotherapy side effects, clears the toxins, and helps the immune system in recovering quickly. Controls and reduces the disease.
Can speedily reduce the heat and clears the virus. Increases platelet count to normal levels. Helps strengthens the immune system for speedy recovery.
Can relieve heatiness and clear toxins quickly. Clears the pus and disinfect. Helps streangthens the immune system for speedy recovery.
Very effective against toxins, pus and infection. Helps in blood protection, growth of muscles and relieving pain.
Also effective for skin diseases, acne, tumor, hardening of coronary vessels. For relieving wind, heartburn, gastric and other diseases.
For general healthcare, it used to prevent cancer and also suitable for working late nights & work-related stress.
As the quality of our lifestyle increases, and with people's focus on healthcare, the demand for porcupine bezoar is fast increasing, so has its price. Unknowingly, it has become a very valuable medicine. Some rich people are even collecting it for stockpiling and maintaining its price.
Further, the most valuable for the porcupine bezoars are procured from porcupines in the rainforest of Borneo. The porcupines here eat unpolluted herbs that have high medicinal value causing the besoars produced here to be of the rarest and highest value. The price is very high and has collection, medicinal and stockpiling value.
Extracted from
Porcupine Bezoar Catalogue by
Taimal Herbs & Medicine Sdn Bhd.
Before we draw your attention to the value of the porcupine bezoar, we must first get to know the porcupine that is rare.
Porcupines are animals covered with spikes. These mammals' habitat is the jungle. A porcupine has strong survival instincts and heals quickly whenever it is sick. This is related to its diet. Herbivores by nature, its favourite food are bitter-tasting plants' roots and branch. Since most bitter-tasting plants are sources of medicinal herbs, procupine has an immune system that is strong against toxins and poisons. When it is injured or sick, it will go seeking for a type of herb. This herb, when digested, produces a type of chemical that fights and kills toxins in the porcupine's body, enabling it to heal quickly. But the left over chemicals in its body would slowly gather and form a type of stone-like substance, also known as Porcupine Bezoar.
Since each porcupine varies in its internal structure, immunity, gene structure and habitat, their body structure also varies. There are differences in its external body, body tone, size, quality and colour.
The longer a porcupine bozoar is left in a porcupine's body, the bigger it will be in its size, medicinal value and quality. However, porcupine bezoar does not exist inside every procupine, even if it does exist, there will only be one piece. As such, it is very valuable.
Each porcupine bezoar looks different. It is very challenging to determine a porcupine bezoar's quality & authenticity, and the expertise & knowledge in it is essential.
Used in relieving post-surgery side effects such as pain, fever and also helps in healing of the wound.
Relieves the pain & infection caused by post-chemotherapy & radiotherapy side effects, clears the toxins, and helps the immune system in recovering quickly. Controls and reduces the disease.
Can speedily reduce the heat and clears the virus. Increases platelet count to normal levels. Helps strengthens the immune system for speedy recovery.
Can relieve heatiness and clear toxins quickly. Clears the pus and disinfect. Helps streangthens the immune system for speedy recovery.
Very effective against toxins, pus and infection. Helps in blood protection, growth of muscles and relieving pain.
Also effective for skin diseases, acne, tumor, hardening of coronary vessels. For relieving wind, heartburn, gastric and other diseases.
For general healthcare, it used to prevent cancer and also suitable for working late nights & work-related stress.
As the quality of our lifestyle increases, and with people's focus on healthcare, the demand for porcupine bezoar is fast increasing, so has its price. Unknowingly, it has become a very valuable medicine. Some rich people are even collecting it for stockpiling and maintaining its price.
Further, the most valuable for the porcupine bezoars are procured from porcupines in the rainforest of Borneo. The porcupines here eat unpolluted herbs that have high medicinal value causing the besoars produced here to be of the rarest and highest value. The price is very high and has collection, medicinal and stockpiling value.
Extracted from
Porcupine Bezoar Catalogue by
Taimal Herbs & Medicine Sdn Bhd.
A bezoar (/ˈbiːzɔər/, from Persian bazahr, "antidote") is a mass found trapped in the gastrointestinal system (usually the stomach),[2] though it can occur in other locations.[3][4] A pseudobezoar is an indigestible object introduced intentionally into the digestive system.[5]
There are several varieties of bezoar, some of which have inorganic constituents and others organic.
Bezoars were sought because they were believed to have the power of a universal antidote against any poison. It was believed that a drinking glass which contained a bezoar would neutralize any poison poured into it. The word "bezoar" comes from the Persian pâdzahr (پادزهر), which literally means "antidote".
There are several varieties of bezoar, some of which have inorganic constituents and others organic.
Bezoars were sought because they were believed to have the power of a universal antidote against any poison. It was believed that a drinking glass which contained a bezoar would neutralize any poison poured into it. The word "bezoar" comes from the Persian pâdzahr (پادزهر), which literally means "antidote".
豪猪枣 (箭猪枣)
豪猪又名箭猪,体大,体刑粗 ,体重达10千克左右,体长约650豪米。上身被有硬刺,四肢及腹部的短刺小而较软:臀部的刺最长,约300豪米;尾甚短,隐于臀部长刺,通体棕黑色。它还有一个非常肥胖的身躯和锐利的牙齿,鼠一般的嘴脸。豪猪为啮齿目动物。豪猪是一种分布很广的夜行性动物,它白天躲在洞里睡大觉,晚上则出来寻找食物。
豪猪枣 (箭猪枣)
豪猪又名箭猪,体大,体刑粗 ,体重达10千克左右,体长约650豪米。上身被有硬刺,四肢及腹部的短刺小而较软:臀部的刺最长,约300豪米;尾甚短,隐于臀部长刺,通体棕黑色。它还有一个非常肥胖的身躯和锐利的牙齿,鼠一般的嘴脸。豪猪为啮齿目动物。豪猪是一种分布很广的夜行性动物,它白天躲在洞里睡大觉,晚上则出来寻找食物。
豪猪枣 (箭猪枣)
根据中药学上的纪录,我们的祖先和一些原住民很早就有药用豪猪枣的智慧。 如今随着医学的进步,通过研究也确认了豪猪枣在医疗上是有一定的功效与价值。它对以下一些病症有很明显的附加药用功效。
1)手术后: 用以化解开刀后的一般副作用如镇痛,退烧,助快速复原等。
2)癌症: 能助镇痛; 化解化疗,电疗后的一些副作用;化痰排毒,助使免疫细胞快速重生,控制,减轻病情。
3)肝病: 能快速清热解病毒,化脓消炎,提升免疫功能复原神速。
4)各种炎症: 具有非常高效率的解毒,排脓,消炎,活血,生肌,止痛功效。
5)保健: 用于防癌,对工作熬夜,烟酒过量,工作压力大一族也相当适宜。
6)其他: 对皮肤病,恶疮,心血管硬化,祛风,心气痛,胃痛等各种病痛都有一定的疗效。
份量 :
份量 :0.37 g
1)手术后: 用以化解开刀后的一般副作用如镇痛,退烧,助快速复原等。
2)癌症: 能助镇痛; 化解化疗,电疗后的一些副作用;化痰排毒,助使免疫细胞快速重生,控制,减轻病情。
3)肝病: 能快速清热解病毒,化脓消炎,提升免疫功能复原神速。
4)各种炎症: 具有非常高效率的解毒,排脓,消炎,活血,生肌,止痛功效。
5)保健: 用于防癌,对工作熬夜,烟酒过量,工作压力大一族也相当适宜。
6)其他: 对皮肤病,恶疮,心血管硬化,祛风,心气痛,胃痛等各种病痛都有一定的疗效。
份量 :
份量 :0.37 g
服用方法 : (一)空腹,先喝水,然后将豪猪枣粉末含在口中缓缓吞下。
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Deep inside the natural forest
Deep inside the natural forest, the wild porcupine will feed themselves wild herbs and grasses when they’re injured… and after soon after, their body will produce a kind of kidney stone with all the nutrient of the herbs it consumed. This stone thingy is really rare and hard to find, thus it’s not hard to understand why it’s of sky high price.
You can imagine that how small it is, since it’s just a piece of kidney stone from a small porcupine, yet it was priced at RM72,000, enough to buy an Toyota Avanza! It was suppose to be hyper efficient in healing dengue fever, operation wound and helps in get rid of toxic in our body…
As mentioned earlier, mom though it would be good for my wound healing process and went ahead to bought it, 4 dose of it. One dose were priced at RM400, discounted price some more…
A blow on it would also blown RM400 away
She said that eating this will help my wound to recover quick. So she force-feed me with this powdery thingy T.T
Source from:
You can imagine that how small it is, since it’s just a piece of kidney stone from a small porcupine, yet it was priced at RM72,000, enough to buy an Toyota Avanza! It was suppose to be hyper efficient in healing dengue fever, operation wound and helps in get rid of toxic in our body…
As mentioned earlier, mom though it would be good for my wound healing process and went ahead to bought it, 4 dose of it. One dose were priced at RM400, discounted price some more…
A blow on it would also blown RM400 away
She said that eating this will help my wound to recover quick. So she force-feed me with this powdery thingy T.T
Source from:
Porcupine Bezoars – The Best Medicine?
Source from:
In Chinese traditional medicine, there are some incredible sources of natural remedies for all kinds of ailments. One of these many interesting remedies believed to be able to cure various conditions is called a bezoar.
A bezoar is a mass of food found trapped in an animal’s stomach system, usually from consuming grass and herbs. In particular, bezoar stones found in porcupines are believed to be used to cure cancer, diabetes, dengue fever, typhoid, epilepsy, hepatitis as well as many other conditions.
In Malaysia, there is a high demand for porcupine bezoar stones and medicinal shops can charge as much as RM700 for under a half gram! There is a lot of money to be made from obtaining these stones and people are very keen to make a profit from those looking to find quick-fix miracle cures.
However, the high demand for porcupine bezoars means that countless porcupines suffer needlessly in order to meet that demand. Recent news stories have given heart-breaking insights into such suffering. People who try to profit from the bezoar stones keep the poor animals in cramped cages and the porcupine is butchered for its meat and the stones are removes from its stomach to be sold on. (You can read one such story here:
Recently, I have had bouts of illness and have been searching for remedies so my health can improve quickly. However, whatever I experience when I am ill is nothing compared to the terrifying trauma and brutal treatment poor porcupines are faced with. If I were to use porcupine bezoars in order to heal, I would not feel good about my health and recovery at all, knowing that a porcupine had suffered a horrific death. Especially when I can find alternative methods and remedies. Hence I refused to use this. It is your choice, but have compassion for animals please.
Porcupines suffer tremendously and there is no 100% guarantee that the bezoar stones will cure people of their condition. There are many other ways in which we can treat our ailments and illnesses. Why do we need to force unnecessary suffering upon porcupines and other animals to tend to our health? It makes no sense that we should feel positive about our own health improving when the cause for this is an animal having been slaughtered on our behalf.
In our practice, we pray to take on the suffering of all beings so that we can develop compassion and loving kindness towards all sentient beings. Imagine how hypocritical it would be to pray for the benefit of all sentient beings while we are happy for a poor defenseless animal to die a horrible death for our own gain. That doesn’t provide any benefit for the porcupine at all – only terror, suffering and pain!
When we are ill, we should definitely look towards getting better as quickly as possible. No-one wants to suffer; everyone wants to live in peace and without pain. We should keep this in mind when considering all other beings too: they also want to live in peace and without suffering. There are many, many ways that we can treat our illnesses and conditions and as spiritual practitioners, we should always endeavor to check that the treatment we seek out is free from causing suffering to other beings.
In Chinese traditional medicine, there are some incredible sources of natural remedies for all kinds of ailments. One of these many interesting remedies believed to be able to cure various conditions is called a bezoar.
A bezoar is a mass of food found trapped in an animal’s stomach system, usually from consuming grass and herbs. In particular, bezoar stones found in porcupines are believed to be used to cure cancer, diabetes, dengue fever, typhoid, epilepsy, hepatitis as well as many other conditions.
In Malaysia, there is a high demand for porcupine bezoar stones and medicinal shops can charge as much as RM700 for under a half gram! There is a lot of money to be made from obtaining these stones and people are very keen to make a profit from those looking to find quick-fix miracle cures.
However, the high demand for porcupine bezoars means that countless porcupines suffer needlessly in order to meet that demand. Recent news stories have given heart-breaking insights into such suffering. People who try to profit from the bezoar stones keep the poor animals in cramped cages and the porcupine is butchered for its meat and the stones are removes from its stomach to be sold on. (You can read one such story here:
Recently, I have had bouts of illness and have been searching for remedies so my health can improve quickly. However, whatever I experience when I am ill is nothing compared to the terrifying trauma and brutal treatment poor porcupines are faced with. If I were to use porcupine bezoars in order to heal, I would not feel good about my health and recovery at all, knowing that a porcupine had suffered a horrific death. Especially when I can find alternative methods and remedies. Hence I refused to use this. It is your choice, but have compassion for animals please.
Porcupines suffer tremendously and there is no 100% guarantee that the bezoar stones will cure people of their condition. There are many other ways in which we can treat our ailments and illnesses. Why do we need to force unnecessary suffering upon porcupines and other animals to tend to our health? It makes no sense that we should feel positive about our own health improving when the cause for this is an animal having been slaughtered on our behalf.
In our practice, we pray to take on the suffering of all beings so that we can develop compassion and loving kindness towards all sentient beings. Imagine how hypocritical it would be to pray for the benefit of all sentient beings while we are happy for a poor defenseless animal to die a horrible death for our own gain. That doesn’t provide any benefit for the porcupine at all – only terror, suffering and pain!
When we are ill, we should definitely look towards getting better as quickly as possible. No-one wants to suffer; everyone wants to live in peace and without pain. We should keep this in mind when considering all other beings too: they also want to live in peace and without suffering. There are many, many ways that we can treat our illnesses and conditions and as spiritual practitioners, we should always endeavor to check that the treatment we seek out is free from causing suffering to other beings.
Bezoar or porcupine stone
Bezoar or porcupine stone has had more than hundred years of history in traditional medication.
Bezoar also known as "Hao Zhu Zhao" (in Cantonese) or "Ho Tu Co" (Hokkian Dialect) was originally
used by people who live in the land of Riau, Sumatera Island, Indonesia.
"Singkek" stone, as the local villagers named it, is believed and used to cure many kinds of disease.
Porcupine lives in many areas such as Sumatera, Java, Borneo, Irian Jaya (Papua),
and Sarawak. In Sarawak, it is named "Angkit". The term "Angkit" in hokkian
dialect means "dark red".
Bezoar/porcupine stone is widely used by many traditional medical practitioners to cure:
Cancer, diabetes, dengue fever, typhoid fever, epilepsy, hepatitis and many more.
Ratusan tahun yang lalu Batu Landak (BEZOAR) atau “Hao Zhu Zhao” (Cantonis) atau
"Ho Tu Co" (dialek Hokkien), sudah ditemukan oleh Suku Pedalaman yang berada di daerah
Riau Daratan. Batu singkek, demikian sebutan bahasa daerah dipercaya dapat mengobati
berbagai macam penyakit.
Binatang Landak banyak terdapat di daerah Sumatra, Jawa, Kalimantan, Irian Jaya,
dan Sarawak. Di Sarawak oleh penduduk setempat disebut Angkit.
Angkit dalam dialek Fujian berarti merah pekat.
Diluar negeri oleh tabib banyak diramu untuk mengobati berbagai macam
penyakit seperti:
Penyakit Kanker, Diabetes, DBD (DG), Typus, Epilepsi, Hepatitis, dan berbagai penyakit.

“豪猪枣“ 自几百年前已在廖省地区被当地土着“土族“所发现。 他们深信“豪猪枣“
“刺猬“此类动物多半生存于苏门打蜡,爪哇,加哩曼丹, 伊利安和沙捞
越等地区。沙捞越当地地居民称之为“Angkit“ 江吉。
Angkit 在福建话的意思是“朱红“。国外的大夫将“豪猪枣“配制成药物,
有医治多种疾病的功效, 如:癌症, 糖尿病, 登革热,班疹伤寒,瘫痪,干病。
Bezoar also known as "Hao Zhu Zhao" (in Cantonese) or "Ho Tu Co" (Hokkian Dialect) was originally
used by people who live in the land of Riau, Sumatera Island, Indonesia.
"Singkek" stone, as the local villagers named it, is believed and used to cure many kinds of disease.
Porcupine lives in many areas such as Sumatera, Java, Borneo, Irian Jaya (Papua),
and Sarawak. In Sarawak, it is named "Angkit". The term "Angkit" in hokkian
dialect means "dark red".
Bezoar/porcupine stone is widely used by many traditional medical practitioners to cure:
Cancer, diabetes, dengue fever, typhoid fever, epilepsy, hepatitis and many more.
Ratusan tahun yang lalu Batu Landak (BEZOAR) atau “Hao Zhu Zhao” (Cantonis) atau
"Ho Tu Co" (dialek Hokkien), sudah ditemukan oleh Suku Pedalaman yang berada di daerah
Riau Daratan. Batu singkek, demikian sebutan bahasa daerah dipercaya dapat mengobati
berbagai macam penyakit.
Binatang Landak banyak terdapat di daerah Sumatra, Jawa, Kalimantan, Irian Jaya,
dan Sarawak. Di Sarawak oleh penduduk setempat disebut Angkit.
Angkit dalam dialek Fujian berarti merah pekat.
Diluar negeri oleh tabib banyak diramu untuk mengobati berbagai macam
penyakit seperti:
Penyakit Kanker, Diabetes, DBD (DG), Typus, Epilepsi, Hepatitis, dan berbagai penyakit.
“豪猪枣“ 自几百年前已在廖省地区被当地土着“土族“所发现。 他们深信“豪猪枣“
“刺猬“此类动物多半生存于苏门打蜡,爪哇,加哩曼丹, 伊利安和沙捞
越等地区。沙捞越当地地居民称之为“Angkit“ 江吉。
Angkit 在福建话的意思是“朱红“。国外的大夫将“豪猪枣“配制成药物,
有医治多种疾病的功效, 如:癌症, 糖尿病, 登革热,班疹伤寒,瘫痪,干病。
Efficacious Remedy using Porcupine Date
Source from:
Not too long ago, an internet pal of our son came down with dengue and was admitted to the local hospital in Singapore. Apparently, it was too late and she died of dengue haemorrhagic fever after a couple of hours of admission. We were all saddened to hear of the sudden death as she was only 19. Last month our son’s other friend was feeling all uptight as her father was warded in a Kuala Lumpur private hospital as it was another case of dengue fever. The family resides in an apartment not far from some construction sites with abandoned material. These could have been good breeding ground for the Aedes mosquitoes. Our son visited him at the ward and told us that this uncle-friend needed a blood transfusion the next day as his blood count had dropped drastically. It reminded us of the epsiode of our reader-cum-friend in Banting who needed eight packs of blood for the same cause.
Suddenly, it struck us of a Chinese folk remedy introduced to us by a mutual friend. This herbal subject is the porcupine date( Hao Zhu Zao). Well, it’s like a kidney stone of the wild porcupines which goes into deep jungles and feed on wild herbs. We have seen the utmost superior grade at a famous herbal place in Kuala Lumpur with a branded price of RM 72,000 for the whole ball. You actually need a scrapping of half-a-teaspoon for each dose. Yes, we have heard much of its effectiveness in combating dengue fever and raising blood count. So, off we went to a nearby herbal shop to purchase two packs of this ground powder of the porcupine date. It costs RM600.00 for this grade at a single dose. After paying RM1,200.00, we thought the remedy has to do him some good for the money spent. Each grade differs as only experienced herbalist can tell. It all depends on environment as where the porcupines thrive and how well the wild herbs flourish. His wife fed him the first dose that night as he was in a very delirious state of mind. Another dose was given to him early next morning. The doctor who came on round later in the morning was surprised at his rapid recovery. His blood count had raised tremendously and was given an immediate discharge.
According to the Chinese folk remedy, the first dose from a good grade is sufficient to raise the blood count but the second dose helps to prevent joint aches during old age if you have had severe dengue fever before. Sad to say, little or no research has been done on this remedy and not scientifically documented. Older generations who lived centuries ago must have understood of how desirable the active principles of the stone could be. But cheap and natural food listed below can help dengue patients within the hospitalization period and the home recovery time to feel better if taken daily for one month. These are all natural products like double-boiling a few small bitter gourds with a couple of paddy frogs and water. Drink this soup daily for 30 days. Or blend the red flesh and white part of the watermelon into a juice. Discard the green skin. Drinking this fruit juice often can help to cool the heaty body’s system. Another remedy is to sip the juice of the local green coconut in order to balance the body’s fluid. Do not consume the fragrant coconut as it has a different role.
Well, whatever happens to any suspected dengue case, is still best to be diagnosed by the doctor to confirm the infection. We learnt a painful lesson from the young friend’s death.
Richard & Catherine
Y3K Recipes Issue no.42 (May-June 2008)
Y3K Recipes Issue no.42
Mar-Apr 2008
Not too long ago, an internet pal of our son came down with dengue and was admitted to the local hospital in Singapore. Apparently, it was too late and she died of dengue haemorrhagic fever after a couple of hours of admission. We were all saddened to hear of the sudden death as she was only 19. Last month our son’s other friend was feeling all uptight as her father was warded in a Kuala Lumpur private hospital as it was another case of dengue fever. The family resides in an apartment not far from some construction sites with abandoned material. These could have been good breeding ground for the Aedes mosquitoes. Our son visited him at the ward and told us that this uncle-friend needed a blood transfusion the next day as his blood count had dropped drastically. It reminded us of the epsiode of our reader-cum-friend in Banting who needed eight packs of blood for the same cause.
Suddenly, it struck us of a Chinese folk remedy introduced to us by a mutual friend. This herbal subject is the porcupine date( Hao Zhu Zao). Well, it’s like a kidney stone of the wild porcupines which goes into deep jungles and feed on wild herbs. We have seen the utmost superior grade at a famous herbal place in Kuala Lumpur with a branded price of RM 72,000 for the whole ball. You actually need a scrapping of half-a-teaspoon for each dose. Yes, we have heard much of its effectiveness in combating dengue fever and raising blood count. So, off we went to a nearby herbal shop to purchase two packs of this ground powder of the porcupine date. It costs RM600.00 for this grade at a single dose. After paying RM1,200.00, we thought the remedy has to do him some good for the money spent. Each grade differs as only experienced herbalist can tell. It all depends on environment as where the porcupines thrive and how well the wild herbs flourish. His wife fed him the first dose that night as he was in a very delirious state of mind. Another dose was given to him early next morning. The doctor who came on round later in the morning was surprised at his rapid recovery. His blood count had raised tremendously and was given an immediate discharge.
According to the Chinese folk remedy, the first dose from a good grade is sufficient to raise the blood count but the second dose helps to prevent joint aches during old age if you have had severe dengue fever before. Sad to say, little or no research has been done on this remedy and not scientifically documented. Older generations who lived centuries ago must have understood of how desirable the active principles of the stone could be. But cheap and natural food listed below can help dengue patients within the hospitalization period and the home recovery time to feel better if taken daily for one month. These are all natural products like double-boiling a few small bitter gourds with a couple of paddy frogs and water. Drink this soup daily for 30 days. Or blend the red flesh and white part of the watermelon into a juice. Discard the green skin. Drinking this fruit juice often can help to cool the heaty body’s system. Another remedy is to sip the juice of the local green coconut in order to balance the body’s fluid. Do not consume the fragrant coconut as it has a different role.
Well, whatever happens to any suspected dengue case, is still best to be diagnosed by the doctor to confirm the infection. We learnt a painful lesson from the young friend’s death.
Richard & Catherine
Y3K Recipes Issue no.42 (May-June 2008)
Y3K Recipes Issue no.42
Mar-Apr 2008
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